The Compass Within

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi

I feel that this reminder can not come too often. If I find myself in any state of frustration, anger, judgment, insert other unpleasant emotion here, it is because I have been attempting to change something on the outside. If we find ourselves metaphorically pointing a finger outward, we always have the option to reclaim our own true power by turning it around and pointing inward.

Although the mind may make many excuses, some of which could be a reflection of discernment and logic, we have the power to remove ourselves from any situation or relationship which is not leading to the way we desire to feel. As humans, we are divinity experiencing itself through form, and co-create our own reality with the Universe.

“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” - A Course in Miracles

This sentiment can provide massive peace, as even if we for conscious or subconscious reasons find ourselves pointing “out there,” no real harm is done. However, herein lies a paradox, as we experience life as seemingly separate beings, in a world of duality. There is a fine line we walk in simultaneously remembering perfection and oneness, while living the dream as our unique characters and optimizing our experience.

As we consume information, including the simple reminders in this blog post, we can tune in to how it lands within our core. We are vibrational beings, and by tuning in to how things feel, we can discern whether something is right for us at this point on our path. If something incites peace, joy, bliss, or feelings of harmony and alignment, it is in resonance with our inner being. If it incites anger, shame, sadness, guilt, or fear, we can decide what to do with those teaching emotions. Do we integrate the shadow aspect? Let it go? Alchemize it to something more desirable? Only we as the individual experiencing the energy in motion can decide the best route.


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