A form of energy healing, Reiki is also referred to as Universal Life Force energy or Chi. Christina’s lineage dates back to Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan in the early 1920s. This energy work involves sacred symbols (acting as energetic keys) & either hands hovering to channel energy, gentle touch, or a combination. Usui lineage Reiki Masters ascribe to certain core ethical principles such as peaceful way of being, gratitude, honesty, and kindness.


Christina offers Reiki healing in-person (house call or spa service) or distantly (virtual). Sessions typically last about an hour, depending on your individual needs. Healing may include smudging with sacred herbs, crystal healing, sound healing, and/or divination cards.

Each experience is unique, as it is a divinely guided co-creation. A comfortable massage table is used for in-home & studio sessions. The process is deeply relaxing and may lead to emotional release, release of physical pain, or overall increased feelings of wellbeing. Increased experience of synchronicity, and feeling lighter are common outcomes.

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Teaching & Attunement

Private classes & attunements are available. Learning is self paced, and the Reiki manual is provided. Supplemental support and intuitive guidance or woven through the course of learning. This can be in-person, remote, or hybrid.

Reiki for Pets

Human-animal bond: the sacred connection between a pet and their human guardian. Traveling this path of energy work along with veterinary medicine, I perceive links between pets’ energy imbalances & blocks (which may manifest outwardly as illness) & those of their guardians. I am honored to offer hands-on & distant Reiki for pets as well as their people.



survival & security

Root(1st & lowest) is red in color, and relates to survival & security.


creativity, sensuality, relationship with self

Sacral(2nd) is orange in color, and relates to creativity & sensuality, as well as relationship with self.

Solar Plexus

will power, self worth

Solar Plexus(3rd) is yellow in color, and relates to will power and self worth.


compassion, forgiveness

Heart(4th) is green in color, and relates to compassion and forgiveness.


wisdom, self expression

Throat(5th) is blue in color, and is the seat of self expression.

Third Eye


Third Eye(6th) is indigo in color, and is the seat of intuition.


spirituality, connection to the Divine

Crown(7th) is violet in color, and is a center of spirituality and connection to the Divine.