Lemons to Lemonade

A couple of days ago, I was surprised to receive a notification of a 2 star review on my veterinary house call business. The review came from someone who I don’t know - a non-client. There was no description; simply a 2 star rating. Earlier that day, I had equanimity in my mind, and almost hoped for a mild adversity as an opportunity to demonstrate my own “unfu*kwithableness.” When the notification came, there was a moment of fear coursing through my body, and my mind automatically focused on this as contrast, rather than an emotional state to dwell in.

I started to recall the earlier part of my day. The angel number I had seen before arriving at the destination of receipt was 222. The discomfort began to shift to amusement at the synchronicity - 2 stars after the 222 angel sign. I continued to anchor into a more desired frequency by shifting into gratitude practice, as well as compassion. The signs of the moment were pointing me towards A Course in Miracles lessons with a focus on forgiveness. (“Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world”).

I extended forgiveness from my being to this mystery person who was experiencing enough negativity within their life to leave a negative review, and then to any reflection of that within myself. “As within, so without.” If we are able to witness something externally, it is because there is some resonant frequency within ourself. A past version of myself would have left negative reviews for other businesses, before life changed my way and steered me towards only leaving positive reviews or none at all (and I went back and deleted any negative reviews I had left, too). I extended the forgiveness to that past version, who was doing the best she could based on her perspective at that time. “Now that I know better, I do better.”

Coming into greater alignment with my true self felt good. I found humor, fun, and light. The signs that we are in alignment with our true self include joy, peace, and expansion. My next angel number sign was 2222. In numerology, the number 2 is associated with balance. This 3D world is one of polarity and contrast. On the other side of frustration is peace in equal measure. On the other side of pain, pleasure. The other side of fear, Love. We co-create our reality with this Universe, and from a place of mindfulness, we may shift our focus towards the desired pole of the duality, thus attracting more of the same.


Common Pet Conditions - Fleas


The Compass Within