It Doesn’t Have to Look a Certain Way

“It doesn’t have to look a certain way.” I heard this in a yoga class, referring to the asanas (poses) that we were taking. The cue was to tune into the breath, and the feeling of the pose, rather than trying to achieve a certain aesthetic outcome. This advice also served off the mat as well.

I reflect on this often with respect to methods. I feel Ram Dass coming through in writing this. At the end of the day, Life is the practice. Life is the teacher. There are manifold ways to journey through life, whether it’s on a “spiritual” path or otherwise. Loosening the grip on labeling right and wrong ways can really be liberating.

Because ultimately, where do we think we’re going? I’ll quote Manchester Orchestra, from their song Simple Math: “What if I’ve been trying to get to where I’ve always been? What if we’ve been trying to get to where we’ve always been?” When we collapse the construct of time, we arrive in an eternal Now moment. This is where all power lies, and it’s the only “time” we can exist in! This goes for space as well. It’s all right here!

Of course there is the contrast of the human experience, which is one in duality. We can play with Life in manifesting different experiences, and sense into polarities, at least for ephemeral moments. We can dance through the apparent separate forms, while choosing to anchor into the essence of the eternal; remembering the connection with all that is.


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