Basic Dental Care for Dogs & Cats

Many dog and cat guardians are surprised to learn that cats and dogs have similar maintenance dental requirements to us humans. Many have heard about anesthetic dental cleanings, but at-home care is equally important, both as a preventive measure, and as follow-up care. I recommend daily dental wipes such as MaxiGuard oral cleansing wipes, or brushing with enzymatic toothpaste like CET from Virbac. This is easiest before advanced dental disease occurs, or once we have a clean slate from anesthetic dentistry. From continuing education presented by board-certified veterinary dentists, I have learned that finger brushes may damage enamel, so the soft bristle brushes are preferred.

There have been formal studies performed to assess the frequency needed to achieve results, and the very minimum for statistical improvement is every other day (daily is still best). Generally, the more effort we put in to our pets’ dental care, the better the result. It’s easy to offer a dental treat, but these tend to have more of a focal effect, and certain types may even pose some health risks (consider that if the product is more malleable and you can bend it and push your fingernail into it, it may be safer). In general, VOHC approved products are best. Dietary hypersensitivities and other health conditions also need to be considered. VOHC has published product lists for guidance.

Dental care is part of whole pet care. Just like in people, dental disease can increase the risk of systemic disease. Periodontal disease increases the risk of heart valve infection (bacterial endocarditis), as well as kidney infections. With severe dental disease, markers of systemic inflammation can be increased on blood work (for example globulin serum protein). Additionally, dental disease can negatively influence the management of chronic conditions such as diabetes mellitus. For the long term health of our pets, getting into good dental care routines can have a positive impact.


Reflections on Healing